Calendar enhancements
Enhanced features of the Calendar in Sugar 6.4.0 include, but are not limited to, the following:

Ability to drag-and-drop items — Drag and drop items in Calendar for better ease of use

Quick create and edit forms — Click on any time slot within Calendar to create Meetings and Calls; also click on any Calendar item to modify information in Quick Edit forms

Long meetings displayed in a solid continuous piece — Calendar items that are longer than 30 minutes in duration are displayed as a solid continuous item ie, they do not have lines demarcating the 30 minute time boundaries

Calendar dashlet — Calendar has been added as one of the Sugar Dashlet items in 6.4.0

Individual color-codes for Meetings, Tasks and Calls — Meetings are displayed in blue, Calls in red, and Tasks in green to distinguish and identify them easily in Calendar

Ability to change the first day of the week in month-views — Select any day as your preferred first day of the week from your User pages and display the modifications in month-view of Calendar

Ability to navigate within Calendar by using the calendar view — Navigate to any date with lesser clicks of the mouse using the calendar view, instead of using the Next button
Administrator enhancements
The following abilities have been added for users with administrator (admin) privileges in Sugar 6.4.0:

Users and Employees modules added to Studio — Ability to customize Users and Employees modules in Studio

Changes to Edit Fields option in Studio — Fields Editor is presented in tabular form for better display and lists details such as (field)Name, Display Label, and (field)Type
Platform enhancements
Platform enhancements in Sugar 6.4.0 include, but are not limited to, the following:

DB layer refactoring — SugarCRM is planning a 3 phase, multi-release DB Layer refactoring to improve database independence and increase performance and stability. Release 6.4.0 includes the first of these phases which mainly focuses on moving database specific code and queries into a clean class hierarchy, eliminating the DB helper classes. These changes may affect customizations and custom modules which were built against older Sugar versions. It is imperative to test the upgrade process in a staging environment before proceeding with the production upgrade, especially if the system includes customizations or custom modules.

Cache upload enhancements — Upload directory moved out of cache directory and is now a separate directory; generated files (like javascript grouping files) moved to cache directory; encrypted data files and other persistent configuration files moved from cache to custom directory; unified APIs for upload and cache directory added. Note that you need to place the cache directory in any location within the file system after editing the config settings.

CSS Sprites for better performance — Images of multiple icons combined into single images resulting in fewer images for the browser to download and fewer requests to the server. This results in reduced download time, less bandwidth consumption, and better performance of the application, and is beneficial especially for users with slower internet connections.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

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